Interesting. The venue was the location of the bombing recently.
Mickey mouse
JoinedPosts by Mickey mouse
UK, Manchester Convention??
by Farmer Jim1 inhi all, new member, have enjoyed reading all of your comments over the years.
does anyone know what happened to the manchester convention listing on jw website?
i'm not attending for the first time (hooray for me!
I am back... after 8 years.
by Preston init's been 8 years, but i am back.
my health has returned.
what did i miss?.
Mickey mouse
Welcome back!
Finally ready to join the crowd.
by Silent Knight inhello, all you damn dirty apostates!
please, allow me to join this community of diseased minds.
i have been lurking here for over 2 years and tonight i decided it's time to come out of the shadows.
Mickey mouse
Welcome. Is your wife aware that you are "aware"?
BBC Radio 4 feature on child Abuse
by Isambard Crater inon the radio this morning.
here is the link:.
Mickey mouse
Expect there to be a BBC news report or segment on something like the Victoria Derbyshire programme too.
Single Sisters Over A Certain Age Group Getting A Bad Rap
by HiddlesWife ini'm new here; one of my relatives was a member on this forum a few years ago and told me about it.
anyways, as a sister who has been in the org since childhood and now in her late 40's (plus as a woman of color), i have noticed that a number of brothers have an ageist attitude.
they are very accepting of young women under 26 and rejecting women over that age, particularly those in their 30's and over.. is this an unspoken mindset from wthq (specifically from bethel), or is it that quite a number of males (sorry, i'm not sexist here) have this type of mentality?
Mickey mouse
I think JW culture is very uncomfortable with single women because there's a view that a woman is under the headship of her father and then her husband. A single woman over a certain age doesn't fall neatly under any man's jurisdiction, especially once she has left her father's home.
We may still be a way off gender equality but my experience outside of the organisation is like night and day compared to the misogyny I experienced in the org.
What will you be doing on the evening of the 11th ?
by Phizzy inmrs phizzy and myself will be eating out, sure in the knowledge we will not have jw's using the same restaurant.. i may have a cigar along with my brandy at the meal's end to celebrate my (our) freedom..
Mickey mouse
Watching the new series of Car share.
When You See a JW Do You Get Flustered?
by minimus ini used to dread seeing a witness coming toward me.
now i am quite comfortable and hope that they may say something to me..... does your blood pressure rise when you see a jw coming toward you?
Mickey mouse
I used to get anxious for about the first year I was out in case they asked me why we left. Not anymore.
Why more highly educated people are less into conspiracy theories
by Mickey mouse ini've seen discussions here about how jehovah's witnesses seem to be prone to believing conspiracy theories...
this last paragraph seems particularly relevant:.
importantly, van prooijen said his findings help make sense of why education can contribute to “a less paranoid society” even when conspiracy theories are not explicitly challenged.
Mickey mouse
I've seen discussions here about how Jehovah's Witnesses seem to be prone to believing conspiracy theories... last paragraph seems particularly relevant:
Importantly, Van Prooijen said his findings help make sense of why education can contribute to “a less paranoid society” even when conspiracy theories are not explicitly challenged. “By teaching children analytic thinking skills along with the insight that societal problems often have no simple solutions, by stimulating a sense of control, and by promoting a sense that one is a valued member of society, education is likely to install the mental tools that are needed to approach far-fetched conspiracy theories with a healthy dose of skepticism.”
Black Mirror White Christmas
by enigma1863 inhave any or you seen the show black mirror?
there is an episode called white christmas.
its based in the future and everyone has this app in their brain similar to a modern smartphone.
Mickey mouse
Yes it's on Netflix
Message from Designer Stubble to the former JWR members
by Designer Stubble inmessage from designer stubble to the former jwr members.
first of all i am glad to see that many of you have found your way to this great forum, facilitated by simon.
i am sure that after the dust of the jwr shutdown has settled, you will find this to be a good new home.. i would like to apologize for the sudden closure of jwr.
Mickey mouse
Hey Mark it's nice to hear from you